IPv4 header fields and their functions

IPv4 Header Fields and Their Functions: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction to IPv4 Header Fields

IPv4, or Internet Protocol version 4, is a core component of the internet's networking infrastructure. As the foundation for data transmission across the internet, it is essential to understand the structure and function of IPv4 header fields. In this blog post, we'll delve into each of the IPv4 header fields and their functions, providing a comprehensive guide to this critical aspect of internet networking.

IPv4 Header Structure

The IPv4 header consists of several fields, each with a specific purpose. These fields are organized in a fixed format, with a total length of 20 bytes (or up to 60 bytes if options are present). Below, we'll examine each of these fields and their functions in detail.

IPv4 Header Fields and Their Functions

1. Version (4 bits)

The Version field indicates the version of the Internet Protocol being used. For IPv4, this field has a value of 4. This information is essential for routers and other networking devices to process the packet correctly.

2. Internet Header Length (IHL) (4 bits)

The Internet Header Length (IHL) field specifies the length of the IPv4 header in 32-bit words. This value is necessary because the header length can vary due to the presence of optional fields. By default, the IHL value is 5 (indicating a 20-byte header without options), but it can be as large as 15 (for a 60-byte header with options).

3. Type of Service (ToS) / Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) and Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) (1 byte)

The ToS field, now commonly referred to as the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) and Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) fields, is used to specify the quality of service (QoS) requirements for the packet. The DSCP field (6 bits) defines the priority and handling characteristics of the packet, while the ECN field (2 bits) provides a mechanism for routers to signal congestion to the sender without dropping packets.

4. Total Length (2 bytes)

The Total Length field indicates the entire length of the IPv4 packet, including both the header and payload. This value is used by routers and other devices to determine the boundaries of the packet and is crucial for correct processing and transmission.

5. Identification (2 bytes)

The Identification field is used to uniquely identify each packet within a sequence of fragmented packets. This value is essential for the reassembly of fragmented packets at the destination, ensuring that data is correctly reconstructed and delivered.

6. Flags (3 bits)

The Flags field consists of three bits, with the first bit reserved and always set to zero. The second bit, called the "Don't Fragment" (DF) bit, indicates whether the packet can be fragmented or not. If the DF bit is set, the packet will not be fragmented during transmission. The third bit, known as the "More Fragments" (MF) bit, is used to signal if there are more fragments following the current packet in a sequence of fragmented packets.

7. Fragment Offset (13 bits)

The Fragment Offset field indicates the position of the current packet fragment within the original, unfragmented packet. This value is essential for the proper reassembly of fragmented packets at their destination, ensuring that data is correctly reconstructed in the correct order.

8. Time to Live (TTL) (1 byte)

The Time to Live (TTL) field specifies the maximum number of hops (or network segments) a packet can traverse before being discarded. This field is critical for preventing routing loops and ensuring that undeliverable packets are eventually removed from the network. Each time a packet passes through a router, the TTL value is decremented by one. When the TTL reaches zero, the packet is discarded, and an ICMP "Time Exceeded" message may be sent back to the sender.

9. Protocol (1 byte)

The Protocol field identifies the transport layer protocol (e.g., TCP, UDP, ICMP) used by the packet's payload. This information is necessary for proper processing and delivery of the packet to the appropriate higher-layer protocol at the destination.

10. Header Checksum (2 bytes)

The Header Checksum field provides a method for error detection, ensuring the integrity of the IPv4 header. The checksum is calculated by summing the 16-bit words of the header (with the checksum field set to zero) and taking the one's complement of the result. At each hop, the router recalculates the checksum and compares it to the value in the header. If the values do not match, the packet is considered to have an error and is discarded.

11. Source IP Address (4 bytes)

The Source IP Address field contains the IP address of the sender (or the original source of the packet). This information is critical for routing the packet back to the sender, if necessary, and for tracking and logging purposes.

12. Destination IP Address (4 bytes)

The Destination IP Address field contains the IP address of the intended recipient (or the final destination of the packet). This information is vital for proper routing and delivery of the packet across the internet.

13. Options (variable length, optional)

The Options field, if present, contains optional information that can be used to control or enhance the processing of the packet. Some examples of IPv4 options include source routing, record route, and timestamp. The presence and length of this field are indicated by the IHL field.


Understanding the IPv4 header fields and their functions is crucial for anyone working with internet networking. These fields play a critical role in the successful transmission and processing of data across the internet, and a thorough knowledge of their purpose and function can help network administrators and engineers better manage and troubleshoot their network infrastructure. By exploring each of the IPv4 header fields in detail, we hope to provide a comprehensive guide to this essential aspect of internet networking.

Further Reading and Resources

For those looking to expand their knowledge of IPv4 and internet networking further, consider exploring the following resources:

By continuing to explore and learn about IPv4 and other aspects of internet networking, you can further develop your expertise in this critical field and improve your ability to manage and troubleshoot network infrastructures effectively.

Mustafa Enes Akdeniz is a Turkish entrepreneur and software developer, born on May 27, 1997, in Gebze. He holds a degree in Computer Engineering from Kocaeli University. Akdeniz is the founder of Oyun Cevheri, a company focused on providing gaming-related services and products, and is also a co-founder of Centerium LLC, a U.S.-based company involved in internet-related services, including IPv4 broking and trading.

With a strong foundation in networking, Akdeniz has gained substantial experience in network administration, IP management, and cybersecurity. He has worked extensively on IPv4 address allocation, facilitating the purchase and sale of IP blocks for businesses needing to scale their digital infrastructure. His technical expertise in network protocols and routing has been instrumental in managing IPv4.Center, which provides brokerage services for IP resources. He also focuses on network security, ensuring safe and secure IPv4 transactions, and optimizing network performance for clients through advanced technologies.

5 min. read
31 Oct 2022

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Which subnet size is acceptable?

/24 ( 256 IP Addresses )
/23 ( 512 IP Addresses )
/22 ( 1024 IP Addresses )
/21 ( 2048 IP Addresses )
/20 ( 4096 IP Addresses )
/19 ( 8192 IP Addresses )
/18 ( 16384 IP Addresses )
/17 ( 32768 IP Addresses )
/16 ( 65536 IP Addresses )
Other (Not in the list)

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Select the subnet size ( select the biggest one if you have multiple subnets )

/24 ( 256 IP Addresses )
/23 ( 512 IP Addresses )
/22 ( 1024 IP Addresses )
/21 ( 2048 IP Addresses )
/20 ( 4096 IP Addresses )
/19 ( 8192 IP Addresses )
/18 ( 16384 IP Addresses )
/17 ( 32768 IP Addresses )
/16 ( 65536 IP Addresses )
Other (Not in the list)


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